Thursday, 23 September 2010

I was dreaming of another world, but now I've found it.

OK, so Saturday I did nothing.  Boy, blogging about my weekends is easy.

On Sunday Charlie came round to use my internet, and we sat separately while I painted and did some reading for our classes and he read the Observer and watched the football.  Boys eh?  We went for a big circle walk and saw this huge grafitti on the side of a building that said, 'One Man's Trash, Another Man's Treasure', which I was a little overcome by as I thought it was very true.  We had fajitas for dinner and Charlie left to get the metro at midnight.  Little did we know that this week the metro is shut from 11pm until 5am so guess who slept on my sofa?? Simon got home at 8am to find him there but said it was fine, I love where I live.

Monday I studied in the library for a bit and had my Climate Change class.  Charlie got really involved with the capitalist-bashing that was going on and this girl said, ' I don't have any answers, I only have more questions' - like she was in a film or something.  We met Matt and this Finnish girl for a drink and then had dinner at this salad bar that is half-price after 8pm throughout September.  That was a good dinner.  Got home to find Simon had run a half-marathon on Sunday (INSANE) with no prior training and this week outside of his classes he has gone to a meditation session and a yoga class.  Anyway, we hung out and listened to some music for a while.

Tuesday I was up early (for me) and went to my Scandinavian Political Systems class where I was one of the lucky few to actually get a seat at a desk.  There was this guy in that class who was proper asleep and he would wake up every few minutes and then his eyes would shut immediately, it was hilarious.  Went to my first session of International Relations and the Third World which was such a good module swap for me.  Then I went shopping and spent quite a lot of money.  It seems to happen in spurts.  Had the apartment to myself in the evening so swanned around listening to Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder and started reading someones copy of STUPID WHITE MEN.

This is a poster I bought.

Wednesday I went for a long walk and then went to the International School for a tutoring session.  Really enjoyed it again this time, it's really focusing my mind on what will happen once I graduate.  Met Charlie and his Italian friend for a beer, had dinner at the half-price salad bar again and met some other people for a drink in a kareoke pub.  A few of them got up and sang, well done Max and Sandy!  However I did get a bit annoyed when Sandy told me to sing - 'why are you scared?  you will never see these people again' - i told him that that is completely the wrong perspective to look at it, because I will see myself again and if I have done kareoke stone-cold sober I will hate myself forever.

And then here we are.  Today I will be a thrill-seeker, I'm going on the rollercoasters in Tivoli.

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