Monday, 29 November 2010

Let it Snow x3

Gosh, I have no idea what I have done for the last few days - its been snowing for 7 days here and the temperature is pretty consistently below 0.C at all times. It is occupying my mind.

On Thursday Matt came round mine and we played my guitar and listened to the White Stripes, then went for a very cold walk round the block in the snow, was pretty nice. 

Friday I went to the library for a bit and then did a spot of shopping, and the snow felt like it was clearing up a bit.  Emailed my petitum to my Climate Change lecturer Jakob and felt relieved - as it was the deadline.  Charlie came round for dinner and we went to the shop and  in this short amount of time, my normally busy road had been swept away in a flurry of snow, everything was completely covered.  And the Falkoner Alle Christmas lights had been put up, they are so pretty.  We had a huge meal and then went to Alex's house and then on to RUST where it was Hip Hop night, it was so good to hear some live music.  We walked there through the freezing night so I had to walk home through the snow-filled backstreets of Norrebro at 4am.

Slept until 12 and did some useful stuff round the apartment and chatted with Si.  In the evening I went to half-priced dinner with Matt, Lorelai, Pauline, Max and Max's visiting friend - it was good, but I hadn't eaten all day so I thought 'oh good, now i can eat loads' but found it really hard to finish my vegetable lasagne. Weird.  On leaving the restaurant, I realised how incredibly cold it is in Denmark at the moment -it was -4.C. In November!

On Sunday I slept for a crazy amount of time and emerged from my room with sleepy eyes to Simon having done loads already with his day.  Rubbish.  I got up and vacuumed the entire apartment, played guitar, read a book, etc - all the stuff I always do.  Managed to sort out my life a bit, making lists, lists, lists.  While a snowstorm brewed outside.

Today I got up early, went to the shops looking for a pair of boots.  Then I studied for a good couple of hours and tried not to slip on the compacted snow.  I have decided to do the Danish Language pre-semester course in January as I will be here anyway and I have no plans. Haha.  Also made lots of suggested changes to my petitum, ready for our final lecture of Climate Change on Thursday - it has definitely been my favourite class this semester so I will miss it.  Our lecturer works at the Ministry of Finance and is going to COP-16 in Mexico as part of the Danish team - good man!  Also got told 'of course' I was English - didn't really know what that meant.  -4.C again on my way home at 6pm and I've just seen the forecast that says that Friday night will be -12.C. DENMARK IS COLD!

PS. After class today, me and Max saw loads of bikes completely covered in actual ice and Max ripped an icicle off one of them.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted.

John Lennon knew what the deal was.

This week has been pretty stressful, because not only am I approaching university deadlines, I am sorting out summer 2011 and my volunteering at CIS as well.  I got really annoyed at myself for not being a productive and motivated person and this partial-breakdown/hissy fit has sorted me right out. So far this week has been classes, mooching and more mooching.  I am at last doing more work for my classes which is good, but sleeping less, which is bad.  Snow arrived in Kobenhavn on Tuesday and is still pretty steadily falling, the city is so beautiful, a winter wonderland and everything keeps working, unlike England.  The bike lanes are cleared and gritted before the roads get a look in.  Everyone is wrapped up in proper winter gear. And it is not over-dramatised, just accepted. 

However, it has been fricking freezing, literally, which has aided my concerted effort to study more, along with my new coffee habit/addiction. To-do lists are also helping me achieve my goals - this week, largely my BUNAC application, booking flights for February, learning backgammon (on Monday I beat a pretty seasoned player and today I beat Matt - haha!) and my Climate Change petitum and essay.

I have also realised that it was the lack of reading which was making me feel more and more stupid each day - so I am reading again.  And yesterday I helped my tutee at CIS write a short story for her English teacher and enjoyed it way more than I ever thought - I'm going to try it myself.  Last night I watched the film MILK and you should totally watch it too.

I Can Tell That We Are Going To Be Friends

Sunday, 21 November 2010

There's More To See Than Can Ever Be Seen, More To Do Than Can Ever Be Done

My mumsy was here!

Tuesday - I went to the library before my 10am class again and managed to cheaply print a lot of good info for my Climate Change essay, I then made the short cycle over to Linnesgade to my class, which was as boring as ever.  I don't think I'm going to go to that one anymore.  I have chosen my exam subject and the oral exam is in 3 weeks so the classes are kind of a waste as I won't get assessed on the content.  Then I went to my 3rd world lecture where I sat next to Matt and drew pictures of birds, and tried to draw a human, it went very wrong.  Then we started writing with our left hands which was pretty funny. Haha. After class I went to Christiania with Charlie, Alex and Pauline and I played my first game of backgammon and I WON!!! Ha!  Also had an Earl Grey tea and chocolate cake.  Lunch.  I went home to find Maria, my landlady and older sister of Simon had arrived back from New York, so now I live with siblings. I really like Maria so this is all gooood.  Matt came round and I showed him some Michael McIntyre, but I think there were a few too many British references.  We cycled on down to Max's for a post-birthday gathering.  Was pretty fun but I'm pretty sure some drama kicked off - I have decided to stay well away.  Food was provided and I spent about half an hour looking for a corkscrew for my wine.

Wednesday - I sleeped. Haha.  Did a touch of studying and then went to the International School.  In terms of CIS I think I have some future prospects - another student they want me to work with, and the possibility of getting involved in actual classes, which I am really keen to do.  Was there for over 2 hours, instead of the 50 minutes it is supposed to be.  Straight from Norreport station to my mother's hotel.  So good to see the
Mummy, we had dinner at Cafe Paludan which was scrumptious, and we saw Matt, Charlie and some others going past the window.  She bought my guitar to Denmark which makes me very happy, I did not think I was this attached.  Cycled through the freezingness back home and met Marias/Simons parents who were in town for Marias ceremony on Thursday where she got to meet the Queen of Denmark because she is a brainbox.  They gave me a Danish Christmas Cookie and spoke English with me. I also really need to sort out my bike - it has a flat tyre but not through lack of air. Will ask Simon.

Thursday - I studied and then Mummy came round and met Simon!  This was a proud moment for me, he really turned on the meeting the parents charm.  We had lunch across the road at this Italian sandwich shop and then walked to Norrebro, a cool trendy area with independent shops. 

It was pretty fricking cold and windy and I ended up buying the best mittens in the entire world (handmade).

I swear they are insanely good and when your hands are inside them, you cannot feel any rain or cold or wind or anything, just the softness of the fur and the good quality leather.  About £20 but totally worth it.  That evening I went to Maxs apartment for Thanksgiving dinner (a week early) and Pauls leaving dinner, rolled into one.  It was wonderful, good food, American football, a little bit of crying.  Thats right, now people here know how emotional a person I am.  Paul has gone back to France as he could not find a job with enough hours in CPH.  He will be missed by one and all.  Cycled home on my totally flat front tyre.

The next day I met my mother at Magasin du Nord, the premier department store in CPH for some window shopping, saw the most wonderful boots ever, but way expensive and way 'no one had size 41'.  Tried on a wonderful fur hat which made me look like a Russian princess, in my lowly opinion.  Bought a red/purple sweatshirt from what I think will be my new favourite Scandinavian clothes shop.  We spent the afternoon at mine doing not much.  Got sandwiches from the Italian sandwich guy across the road again, he was loving us, talking about the morning snow and giving us free pastries.  Thats right - it snowed on Friday morning.  I was so tired, I nearly passed out.  Me and mother listened to the CD she bought me from England - Sufjan Stevens Xmas one, and read interesting Wikipedia entries on Sufjan, Slash, Lloyd Grossman and James Franco.
Sure, I didn't take this picture but in my mind it is well worth including.

Saturday - She (cat's mother) came to mine and we went into the centre, walking, window shopping, catching up etc.  We went to the Christmas Market at Nyhavn.  Had an insane lunch at Dalle Valle and then happened across a Christmas concert on Stroget and a massive poster for Harry Potter 7, which got me all excited.  Then we said goodbye and Mummy went back to England.  But today it is exactly a month until I fly back for 9 days over Christmas.

Today I have studied a bit, drank coffee a bit and filled out most of my BUNAC application.  Due to my being in Denmark it will be very hard for me to get a job in the UK for next summer so this is my new plan.  I have been thinking about it for a couple of years.  It means I will have to fly back to England for an interview in Feb probably.  Still, it will be really cool if they can offer me something, I really want to work more with children and I could do a bit of USA travelling next summer.

Monday, 15 November 2010

Happy 22nd Birthday Alison Boult!

Just got to start with a tribute to my friend Ali who celebrates the 22nd anniversary of her birth today, wish I could be there to give her birthday beats.

The weekend was wonderful.  Simons friends were staying from out of town so they were getting drunk and then lying on the sofa watching films and eating hearty stew.  I mostly, watched films, read books, baked brownies and slept and slept and slept.  I did not party at all, I went to the library for 2 hours on Saturday afternoon, I slept at least 10 hours every night, I tidied and cleaned my room, I did some yoga and stretched my body, I lay on my wood floor and stared at the ceiling, I drew a picture that I will paint later this week,  I cut my toenails, I became obsessed with a website - texts from last night, I rode my bike, I walked around parks, I talked to about 6 people all weekend.  I spent no money.  Perfection.

Today I met Charlie and his friend from England and watched them play backgammon in Christiania - totally going to learn this game and become amazing.  Then went to my Climate Change class which was kind of boring today apart from when the guy with the pencil moustache spoke.  Love that guy.  Had roast vegetables for dinner.

Friday, 12 November 2010

But Suddenly I Feel the Shining Sun, Before I Knew It This Dream Was All Gone

What a week!

Not in the good way.  This week has been very trying for many different reasons.  I think I have been majorly sleep-deprived, and not eating properly, a little unhappy and missing home.  But life goes on right?

After a pretty sleepless night, on Tuesday I realised how much work I had to do for my deadline at 12noon Thursday.  Basically, I hadn't started any of it.  So I woke up early, went to the library at 8.30am and started doing it.  I started at the Social Sciences library, then cycled round the corner to the Political Science library then cycled round another corner to my 2-hour 10am Scandinavian Political Systems class.  Stayed for the first hour then went back to the Social Sciences library, back to the Political Science library and had to stand for 30 minutes while the slowest computer in the world tried to print my work.  Raced back to the class to get the lecturer to sign my petitum, ended up having to bully him into it as it was not complete.  Horrendous.  Then raced back to campus to go to my 12noon class, but didnt get there until 12.35 so decided to skip.  Rode home for lunch planning a big afternoon of working on my synopsis, then fell asleep for over 2 hours.  Woke up with a dry mouth and a banging head.  Don't even know what I did for the rest of the day but I do know my head was a mess.

Wednesday was the day I had to write my 1000 synopsis for my oral exam in December.  Although it doesn't get graded I wanted to do it well as it is meant to introduce the exam.  So I worked for a while at home, then worked for a while in the library, then again at home and got it finished around 8.30pm.  That was a long day.  I was excited to finish so that I could go and have a beer.  Then I got invited to a party before going out on the town and it all escalated from there, I got home at 2.30am.  Having danced literally all night, occassionally with the speakers instead of real people.  Rode home swaying all the way.  Must have set my alarm when I got back because I remember turning it off at 8am even though I had to go to campus to hand in my work by 12noon.  Woke naturally at 10am and went straight to campus as I knew it would take me ages to print and photocopy all my stuff.  And I was right - I got it all handed in at 11.30ish.  I knew that I was unable to use a British photocopier so I don't know how I managed with on with instructions in Danish!

So went home and listened to some awesome songs on YOUTUBE.  Search 'jack steadman' and you're life will be greatly improved.  Decided not to nap but to go to bed early.  Cooked roast vegetables and whole chicken breasts, which I guess means my appetite is back!  Went to bed at 8.30ish after some intense Apprentice watching.  And slept for over 12 ruddy hours! Haha I WIN!  I woke up briefly when Simon got home with his friend - I had already been asleep for a good couple of hours, felt so good.  Woke earlyish and got up quick and met Simons friend who is staying this weekend then headed to the shops where I bought UK Glamour magazine and a pair of mittens.  Got a book out of my University library called 'Wars that Changed the World' which I cannot wait to read.  And here we are....  Just been listening to Daft Punk all afternoon and looking for articles for one of my essays.

Something to take with you, something my friend Katie 'van Dyke' Jones told me -

"It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious." ~ Oscar Wilde

Monday, 8 November 2010

You and Me Are Gonna Live Forever

So my weekend didn't go quite how I had planned it at the end of my last post.  I didn't attend the 48 hour party at all but didn't actually feel like I was missing out on too much fun.  On Thursday I stayed home, did some reading, watched some TV, drank some tea and thought about life. I'm so deep.  And on Friday I went to the Politics library.  It is directly opposite the bar on campus which by Friday afternoon stank so bad of every bad smell in the world and there were people drinking outside the doors and people stumbling around campus in fancy-dress.  This was the moment I was glad that I wasn't doing it.  Looked way too hardcore.

Anyway I swear I drank more wine than I thought I drank on my Friday night in with a film, as I woke up on Saturday with a banging headache.  Slow start - Simon left for his football game and Matt came round and we did literally nothing, it was so nice.  We started getting restless so rode down the road and took a dusky walk around the park.  Matt told me that he heard a rumour that a ducks quack is the only sound in the world that doesn't echo - which amused me greatly, but later turned out to be false.  He also told me a very disturbing story about a guy he hung out with one summer who stole two ducks from his university duck pond and took them to the woods alive in his backpack.  Kind of a weird story with a gruesome ending.
We then were still a bit restless so cycled down to Vesterbrogade and had a Vietnamese coffee.  Just chilled and hung out there for a bit, chatting about life and Denmark and our childhoods and stuff which was cool.  I then rushed home, did some personal grooming (had my first shower for 2 days - diiirty) and rode over to the Planetarium by the lakes to see Daft Punk's film Interstella 5555 at the IMAX as part of CPH:DOX, the international film festival with Chris and his cousin.  Afterwards we went to a club in the meat-packing district of Copenhagen where there are loads of little clubs and bars.  Met some French friends and danced the night away.

Was awoken at 5.30am with Simon returning very noisily from his party and he conked out on his bed with his door open - much bigger party animal than me.  Met Max for brunch on Sunday and helped him buy some lovely new shoes - this is my new talent, spending other peoples money for them. I am getting very good at it.  We met Matt and had a little park time with the ducks again.  So many parks in this city.  Got home to find Simon about to go home for the week so now I am home all alone and I don't really like it - the apartment is too big for one.

Today I worked hard all afternoon and had my Climate class at 4pm.  While bikling (new phrase coined by Matt) to class, the wind was so strong at one point I shed a tear and then I was pedaling and not moving at all.  It was the worst bike ride since I've been here.  After class, me, Charlie and Alex had a coffee and then me and Charlie had a feast at this restaurant where the food was half-price.  In the end my huge club sandwich and potato wedges cost less than a pint glass of Coke - MENTAL.  But it was my first 'proper' meal since Friday night as I have lost my appetite for an unknown reason.  I think I'm back on track now. Cycled home and it was so cold, I didn't even break a sweat (like I normally do). Haha. 

It's getting so cold here, I want to buy a new pair of gloves tomorrow that will insulate my handlebar hands better.  Still loving it though, I really feel at home here, although the last week or so has been tough in terms of missing you guys.  This week I have so much real work to do so probably won't be partying for a little while.  I need a break anyway.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Who's been stealing my bananas, butter, salami and milk?

I don't like Mondays.  No it was ok, actually did some work which was nice and tidied the apartment a bit.  Had class in the afternoon and it is now dark so early here, by 5pm.  Went home and watched lots of How I Met Your Mother in a mindless state.

On Tuesday I cycled to my 10am class and bumped into my friend Max at the exact set of traffic lights we always find each other at, completely unplanned.  It was his 20th birthday so I sang 'Happy Birthday' as we cycled up the road to campus.  My 10am class was the most boring thing I have ever endured.  I was trying to concentrate, but I just drew a goose in my notebook instead.  I then met Matt for lunch but we managed not to have lunch.  We cycled into the city centre to find somewhere to eat, not findin anywhere suitable we cycled back to campus and had a drink in Kommunen.  I then made my way down to City Hall where I went to the World Press Photography Exhibition at Politiken.  I went home for dinner and then went back to City Hall and met Max to go to his birthday drinks thingymajiggy.  Cycling up Stroget, I sang Happy Birthday again. Hahaha.  We went to The Moose and it was real fun, I met an American girl who loves Green Wing, which I was very exctied about.  And I got some of Maxs birthday cake. Yum.  It got to 1am and I had to leave, I had had a very tiring day and was utterly pooped.  Had to cycle the whole way home one-handed as I needed to hold me hood up to shelter myself from the rubbish rain.

Woke up on Wednesday with a little headache.  Not cool.  Managed to get on with some work and then went to Hellerup from my tutoring gig.  It was so good, I enjoy it immensely.  Headed home, showered and trekked out to Ordrup with Matt to have dinner at our friends house.  Ooooohh free food is always good but this was intensely yummy.  Plus wonderful company in the form of Lorelei, Paul, Max and Matt.  This is the first time I had used the Metro in weeks.  Now I have my bike and it kind of works, I never need to spend money on those driverless underground trains.

I've had quite a few late nights recently and am feeling it, so I'm trying to have a couple of lie-ins.  The builders are nearly done with our roof I think which is quite exciting but also infuriating, as I know soon I will be able to stand on the balcony and look over Copenhagen.  It's so close, but not here yet.  No letting up on the busyness coming up either.  This morning my Fredagsbar started its 48 hour Fredagsbar (10am Thursday - 10am Saturday) - there are all sorts of different activities happening from cartoon-watching, morning aerobics sessions, the unveiling of Christmas Beer and fancy-dress parties.  Even a 'How many shots can you drink?' competition.  MENTAL.  Also the COP:DOX (international film festival) starts today - I'm hoping to go and see a couple of the films, it looks awesome.

Oh and I have a deadline on Thursday!